Paramedic handover

Unless the patient is requiring an immediate life-saving intervention, the paramedic handover should be taken prior to moving the patient to the trauma bed.

The handover should be systematic and succinct with full attention given by all team members.

The handover length should ideally take 30-60 seconds.


A suggested handover tool is: “I MIST AMBO”

          Identification of patient (name, age)

        Mechanism of injury

I           Injuries

S          Signs and symptoms

         Treatment and trends



         Background past medical history

O         Other issues


The patient is then moved to the trauma bed with spinal alignment being maintained by log roll and a slide board.

About this guideline

First published: February 2018 (Author: Emma Batistich)
Updated April 2021, August 2024 (Scott Cameron)
Approved by: Northern Region Trauma Network, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Northern Region, NRHL, St. John
Review due: 2 years